Wednesday, March 26, 2008


So far, I've enjoyed everyone's mini-comic that we've had in class. Pretty good shtuff, if I do say so myself. They all had their own funny little jokes in them, and it was fun to find them. I enjoyed writing our mini-comic, and like the deviations that were taken during the artist renditioning stage. Changed some dialogue, changed some panels, but the core story remained the same. I thought it came out pretty well with the parallel stories coming together at the end. Great project, I would love to do it again. I can't wait to see everyone elses.

And that's that, I don't have much else to say on the subject or any visual content for any one right now, maybe later this evening.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I know you didn't want to hear about our breaks, Spencer, but hell, I'm going to tell you anyway. I went to Windsor, and as I was on my way across the border, we stopped to pick up some booze at the duty free shop. Of course, the attendant was cute. Of course, she wasn't Canadian, and of course, she hit on me. Unfortunately, since she lives an hour from the border, I didn't think of inviting her out with us that night. It was Saint Patrick's day! What the hell was I NOT thinking? Cute chick, Canada, first night? Would have been pretty awesome.

Anyway, in canada we met up with our three friends, who had done really well gambling the night before. One girl had made $430 in one night. Of course, that day she had lost $300 of it already, and eventually was down about $100 before coming to about even by the end of the trip. Smart girl. Though that's not bad, as my buddy lost $600+ in poker thinking he's a god at it, and my other buddy lost $400+ the same way. $400+ was lost in 20 minutes at roulette by one of my other friends, and I was a little over even by the end of the trip. All in all, amazing time, even if Canada is about 15 years behind America in technology, so the internet is a pain in the ass to get to. Their McDonald's signs are pretty interesting, too, gotta remind everyone that you are in Canada. Look:

Also, check out Ironman's new trailer. It looks brilliant!

And finally, glad to OFFICIALLY be done with Stuck Rubber. I was terrified of the cheeks throughout.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Haha. Found this on Thought some people would enjoy it. The thread was people photoshopping door tags. The original image was a maintenance tag that read "Maintenance worker in your home NOW!"

Yay! No more fat cheeks!

Wooo! We are done with fat cheeks, I'm quite excited. No offense to you, Spencer, for assigning it, cause other than those damn fat cheeks, it was decent. Also, I'm sorry about your spill today on your Bike. Hope that gets healed up during break and your new house continues to go through and be awesome.

Anyway, about the graphic novel...

Can we get some real closure, maybe? Not too much to ask. All these characters with few resolutions just annoys the hell out of me. Don't introduce people that you can't bloody resolve, it's just not fair to the reader.

To go off Jackie's blog, yeah, Cruse seems to be just introducing these race and sexuality themes to be edgy. Then again, without them, there wouldn't really be a novel. And on that note, I didn't really find the novel to be all that fascinating, but it was well written. Ah well. Here's to the next novel.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Fat Cheeks

I swear, everyone in this comic is a squirrel. Either that, or they all recently had their wisdom teeth removed and their cheeks are puffing out to indicate that. It's downright terrifying. I'm normally not one to complain about an artistic style, but when something creeps me out, well, shit, then that something just creeps me out. Not much else can be said in that regard.

The book reads fairly straightforwardly, however, and I s'pose it can be easy just to ignore the squirrel-y humans on every page, but they keep getting in the way. Yeah, it seems like a realistic piece of fiction, and could indeed be a biography much akin to Blankets or Portraits from Life but I don't think it is. The style seems a little off for it to be a biography, and I think that Cruse would probably have not wanted to make the characters look goofy if it were a true story.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


So Blogger has been down for me for some of the day, thus causing problems with posting. Anyway...

What I was going to say about Collier's work is what I said in class. So it's nothing really all too new. The inside covers were the most interesting, while the stories were just... bland and boring. I think the reason for this is because the covers were succint. The inside stories just dragged on and on and annoyed the crap out of me. I really really hope our next graphic novel is more interesting and keeps my attention more than this.

Though I will have to admit that the Grey Owl story was rather intriguing and I did enjoy reading that, the rest was bleh.

Spencer, there will be a revolt against that essay, don't you worry. It's going down. I hope.

On an unrelated sidenote, the film Justice League: The New Frontier is pretty awesome. My neighbor brought it over the other day and we were watching it while playing Euchre and I enjoyed it supremely. Check it out if you are a fan of these superheroes and all that jazz. Parts of Frontier reminded me of Watchmen as it seemed to be the same era, and the heroes were mandated by the government, and if they weren't, they were hunted by the government. Check it out if you get a chance.

Monday, March 3, 2008


So much stuff has been going on in the last week, I missed the last class, and the last post. I'll make up for it with some extra posting this week, and it'll be damn good, too. Maybe have some pictures of stuff that means nothing or videos are even music. I don't know, but I'll do something, damn it.

So I was thinking, as I was finishing V for Vendetta, Hugo Weaving has no career other than Lord of the Rings, V for Vendetta, and The Matrix. He will forever be known as Agent Smith, though, as he is rarely recognized as Elrond, and for those in the know, he is known as V. Other than that, however, he is relatively an obscure actor. Alright, fine, I just looked him up again and he did voice Megatron in Transformers, but other than that, he didn't do much else that many people have seen.

Granted, he does a fantastic job in those four films, but those are pretty much the pinnacle of his career. And of course, two of those four films I hate (Matrix and Rings) but don't tell him that.

V ended how I expected it to, the films slight departure from the novel didn't throw me. All in all I think it was a good read and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Now, on to some more serious reading...