Monday, February 18, 2008

Well, I watched V for Vendetta on Blu Ray last Friday. Great film, really enjoyed it. Then I was curious as to who played V, and was surprised to find out it was Agent Smith (from The Matrix) Mostly, because I hate those movies so much. ANyway, great film. The graphic novel so far has kept up with my expectations. My neighbor, a huge comic book buff, has been raving about it since I told him we were reading it in class. So far, not disappointed. The movie follows it a decent amount, leaving out a lot of the background stuff in the graphic novel. Granted, there's only so much you can do in a movie, but still. Some of this stuff would have been great in the movie to explain a little bit more about what exactly is going on and why.

Overall, however, great movie, great novel, looking forward to more.

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